Antalya Airport (AYT)
Ground Transport and Car Parking
(Antalya, Turkey)

The Havas airport shuttle bus regularly leaves the airport after all incoming domestic and international flights. Scheduled stops begin with the Falez and Sheraton Voyager hotels, and continue on to a designated stop where passengers may board minibuses to Kemer. The Havas shuttle continues to the Antalya Otogar bus terminal before making its final stop at the city centre.
Taxis hold a monopoly on local transport and may be hired from the rank outside the terminal building, where a signboard displays fixed (and expensive) fares to all local destinations. Fares are calculated in US currency. There is no train service to Antalya Airport. In some cases, hotels and local tour agents may provide transport to a limited list of local destinations.
General Parking Facilities
Two secure parking lots are located in front the two terminal buildings, set amidst a botanical garden. One lot is designated for cars, while the other is set aside for buses and coaches. Roughly 750 long-term spots are conveniently located within walking distance of the terminals.
Disabled passengers will find the parking lots accessible and convenient. Assistance from individual airline staff is available upon request.